
I.F. Packed

Colored Pencils

If these walls could talk.... I guess late is better than not at all. And it's so long since I was able to participate in IF. So I thought,"I'll post - even if it turns out to be on Thursday night!" Anyway, hidden treasures packed away was my theme for this.

Happy creating all,


Shannon Melville said...

nice viewpoint and idea :) sneaky little mice / rats! thanks for your comment on my blog. Glad you also were able to get an illustration up this week after so long, It feels good to participate again doesn't it? you must be extremely busy being a teacher though. I once did full time teaching.

Gai said...

so cute, great work. so glad you visited my blog so I had the opportunity to visit yours.

Rui Sousa said...

a really nice work, congratulations and regards.
Rui Sousa


Mônica said...

Great perspective and viewpoint... and really nicely rendered with colored pencils. I love all the treasures, the nuts, but also the ring, the piece of string and the coin. What a sweet little guy heading out to gather more stuff to pack his home!